Link Wizard - Take Total Control Of Your Links

Stop Using Bitly Short Links

Who needs Link Wizard?

Well, if you are doing any kind of marketing online, then the answer is likely you.

Link Wizard works for any industry to help you better track traffic, campaigns, link clicks, conversions, and sales.

Link Wizard is an All-In-One link management software that gives you total control over your links.

Link Wizard works for real estate agents, investors, digital marketing agencies, affiliate marketers, lenders, insurance agents, and many others who are promoting their products or services online.

Track & Optimize Websites, Sales Funnels  & Lead Sources

Do you have a website you send visitors to in order to grow your business? Link Wizard can help you better track the traffic you send them.

Use custom domain links and track links from different social media sites, ad campaigns, email drip campaigns, and more. This will give you valuable data about which platform is performing the best and allow you to easily track clicks, conversions, and sales from your dashboard.

Link Wizard Conversion Details

Advanced Retargeting

If you're running ads on Facebook, you are familiar with the Facebook Pixel. With Link Wizard you can add you pixel right into your short links, so visitors are "pixeled" when they click on them.

This is valuable data you can use to optimize your campaigns and target interested prospects and lookalike audiences for less money.

If you are just getting started with online marketing be sure to set this up right away even if you aren't running ads yet. This will allow you to season your pixel for FREE rather than wasting money on ads that won't convert as well in the beginning when you do start running ads.

Just head over to and set up a free ads account to get started.

Add A Pixel In Link Wizard

Custom Shortlinks

Use your custom domain, subdomain, or the standard Link Wizard domain to create custom short links that increase click-through rates.

Custom short link

Customize The Link Preview

Link Wizard allows you to completely customize the way your link preview looks when you share it on social media. You'll never have to have a horrible looking preview again, customize the preview and take control of how it looks and get more people to click on your links.

This increases visitors' trust in what you are sharing and allows you to build your brand.

Custom Link Preview

Update Destination Links Any Time

This one is huge. It might not seem like a big deal until you run into a problem with a domain, or subdomain, or change domains or brands.

But this one feature can save you tons of time, frustration, and make sure your links stay active and tracking if you do need to change domains for any reason.

Ask me how I know!

I used Bitly when I first got started and ended up adding a subdomain on ClickFunnels. I was running paid ads, and all of my Bitly links were broken, and there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't update the destination links, I was just stuck editing each ad and every single place online where I had previously used that Bitly link.

With Link Wizard, you can change the destination link at any time. So if you want to point visitors to a new destination... just edit the destination link and it is instantly updated wherever you've used your custom short links.

No sweat! Swap one link and you're good to go.

Change Destination Links

Link Wizard File Links

File Link Creator

Do you have material you use in your marketing that's been a problem delivering? Do you end up having to share a Google Drive link, or find some stressful solution to host the file?

Link Wizard solves this problem for many smaller files that are usually over the limit for easily sharing in other ways.

You can create password-protected (optional) file links that users can click and instantly download the file you need to share with them. This saves you time and headspace, get the file uploaded, share a custom file link, and call it a day!

You can fully customize these links just like other short links by adding your FB pixel and customizing the link preview as well.

File Links
Password Protected Link

Opt-In Links

Instantly create a simple "landing page" with a Link Wizard opt-in link. If you need to collect a name, email, or phone number... Link Wizard makes this super easy to do in less than two minutes.

Check out this opt-in link to see what I mean, (and get a special offer: Click here to see a Link Wizard opt-in link in action.)

We basically turn this...

Opt-In Links

Into this... in less than two minutes.

Opt-In LInk Preview

Zapier Integration

This is a good time to mention that Link Wizard seamlessly integrates with Zapier to connect to thousands of other apps.

Take your opt-in link data and automatically add your leads to an autoresponder, CRM, or even send them an instant text message using a service like Chirply (shameless plug? =p).

Social Profile Links

Do you have a digital business card? If not, you can use Link Wizard to create one.
Think of social profile links in Link Wizard like a Linktree style Instagram link. Take a look at mine here!
You can link to your social media, provide contact info, link to websites, blogs or whatever else you might want to with one simple social profile link.

Just choose one of the three design templates and you can have this set up in 5 minutes.

Social Profile Links

Once your social profile link is created just attach it to your social media bios, and track how many people are clicking each link!

Social Profile Link Tracker

Rotating Links

Rotation Links

Rotating links can be created in Link Wizard in three ways: classic, sticky, and sticky overflow.

Basically this creates one link that will send people to a different destination after each click depending on which one you choose.

Here is a class rotating link as an example. You can click this link 3 times and it will send you to a different destination each time.

The most common use of a link rotator is for split testing. A rotating link can direct users to multiple different versions of a landing page, for example.

I've also seen them used in the affiliate marketing space for partnerships or collaborations. If you want a way to evenly distribute commissions among collaborators for an ongoing project, this could be a good use for a rotator link. Just insert each person's affiliate link and use the classic rotator.

Training Videos

Inside of your Link Wizard dashboard are training videos that walk you through each link type.

After watching these videos you will know how to use each link type, and can easily create custom short links, opt-in links, social links, file links, rotating links, and instantly increase your marketing effectiveness.

Final Thoughts

Link Wizard is one of my favorite software products because it's simple and it works.

It gives you powerful tracking, analytics, increases conversions, and allows you to take total control of your links.

I hope this overview has been helpful! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me directly. You can use this Link Wizard link to pick your contact method of choice: email, phone, or Facebook messenger.

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Link Wizard Frequently Asked Questions

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new features and you get it all for FREE! Because Link Wizard is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!


  1. Derek Johnson on July 13, 2020 at 11:11 pm

    Link Wizard contest is LIVE! Drop your questions, comments, or experiences below for a chance to win a FREE Link Wizard Professional account for life…


    • Randy Ammon on September 18, 2020 at 9:19 pm

      This was super needed! Thanks for showing me this! #gamechanger

  2. Colin on August 17, 2020 at 1:28 pm

    Hey Derek, Just checked out your YouTube overview of Link Wizard – nice job!

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